Friday, December 17, 2010

Crunchy Carrot Citrus Salad

Here's a refreshing salad with carrots and lemon juice

You'll need 5-6 carrots, peeled and grated. I like the match-stick size grate.

Lemon Juice: 2-3 lemons



Ginger: 2" piece peeled, slivered fine

Green Chillis: devein and deseed any kind if you want to make it milder. if you can handle the heat go ahead and use as it. Mince fine.

Cumin seeds: 1 tbspns roasted.  Add about a 1/2 tspoon oil to a pan and when hot, add the cumin seeds and they will turn golden brown.

Combine all the ingredients except salt. Add salt just before serving.

Makes a great filling for pitas and tacos as well.

For further flavor you can crush 8-10 mint leaves and add to the salad.

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